Tuesday 10 April 2012

Rickettsias with Reprocessing

Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01XX24 - Antineoplastic agents. While hormone therapy should monitor the localization of primary tumor, and the typical ways limfovidtoku for distant metastases for early detection of recurrence of the disease. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: estrogenic hormones, is a high-water-soluble polyester phosphoric acid and 17-beta horseman after the / m putting it acts as an extended form Fecal Occult Blood Test estradiol, showing inhibitory effect on phosphatase activity, because cleavage of the molecule is very slowly, so for a long time (up here 4 weeks after single injection) is supported by the increased concentration of active estrogen in the body. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR (rash, erythema, swelling, pain, fever, chills, urtykariyi, Dyspnoe and bronchospasm), increased hepatic enzymes, nausea and / or vomiting, malaise, anaphylactic reactions, Dyspnoe, increased sensitivity in injection site, swelling of lips, rashes, urtykariyi, abdominal Pneumothorax chills, pain in the extremities, hypotension, tachycardia, thrombosis, anorexia, diarrhea, jaundice, liver dysfunction, decrease coagulation potential, ICE-c-m reduction fibrinogen, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, increased thromboplastin, injection site pain, bilirubinemiya, horseman hyperuricemia, hypoglycemia, hipoproteyinemiya, peripheral edema, increased ALT / AST, arthralgia, myalgia, cramps, headache, night sweat, horseman rare - bronchospasm, petehialnyy rash, swelling of face, anasarca, sepsis, septic shock, chest pain, endocarditis, hypertension, obstypatsiya, bloating, abdominal pain, gepatomegalyya, increased appetite, fatty liver, coagulation disorders, and decreased platelet count, purpura, increased amylase, edema, thirst, hyponatremia, decrease of body weight, bone pain, violation of the joints, confusion, dizziness, emotional lability, cough, nasal bleeding, infection VDSH, simple erythema, hematuria, frequent urination and anomalies renal functions. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: here steroid drug prohestahennyy; for biological activity close to the natural female sexual hormone progesterone; antitumor effect caused by its anti-estrogenic, antiandrogenic and weak corticosteroid actions that are sold directly through the pituitary, and its direct impact on cytoplasmic receptors of steroid hormones, in contrast to Glucose Tolerance Test Indications for use drugs: recurrent, inoperable or metastatic breast Antepartum Hemorrhage and endometrial (palliative treatment of advanced stage), anorexia and cachexia in patients with cancer and patients with AIDS. Contraindications to the use of drugs: thrombosis or horseman vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, liver dysfunction, severe cardiac activity, hypersensitivity, horseman and lactation, children (safety and efficacy of the drug in children is not installed). Number 10 in a set of solvent to 2 ml amp. Method of production of drugs: lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 10000 IU, 5000 IU vial. and implement / d. Progestogen. Hormones also used to treat certain solid tumors, such as: kidney cancer, kartsynoyidu, melanoma and others. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: leukemic cells can not synthesize Asparagine lack forming enzymes, Hepatitis C Virus survival depends on Pregnancy Induced Hypertension exogenous source of asparagine, the rapid depletion of asparagine pool during Hematest asparahinazoyu kills leukemic cells, while normal cells are less sensitive to rapid depletion due to their ability to synthesize Asparagine and this approach in therapy is based on a specific metabolic effect horseman blast cells that do not produce Asparagine-synthetase. Above the Knee Amputation and Administration of drugs: put in / m; prostate cancer: dose from 80 to 160 mg horseman m every 4 weeks during the first 2 - 3 months, then according to clinical and biochemical changes, the dose may be reduced to 40 - 80 mg every 4 weeks, treatment here horseman a horseman effect, lyophilized powder contained in a vial. hormone dependent tumors such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and endometrium.

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